Karta has had a bum wheel for the past couple weeks so this was her first return to action. It was very exciting for her.
As we drove out of Anchorage, Josh commented that we each had about a 40% chance of catching a fish today. I generally agreed with his assessment and, for whatever reason, as the day wore on with nothing more than sticks and rocks pulling on my line I started to calculate in my head the odds of both of us getting skunked. A 40% chance of catching a fish is a 60% chance of not catching a fish ... if two people are fishing and each have the same odds ... what did my old GRE studies teach me? ... 0.60 times 0.60 equals ... Fish on!
And not five minutes later:
Excellent work. Slow start, but a successful one, nonetheless. Those the first AK fish for the season?
The first of many, I hope.
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