Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Winter Shminter

So, we finally got the plant stand up and running......and ever since then, The Wife has kept the house at 80 degrees. I nearly sweat to death on the first night. On the second night, I couldn't get The Dog to come inside. If we don't run out of wood soon, I'm afraid we might not make it. Please send help.


Anonymous said...

I hear you on that one, i recently started a night in what can only be referred to as a sauna. At first only my feet were out of the covers, but little by little, hour by hour i creeped my way out until i was no longer covered in any heat retention devices.

Well i dont know how much help i can send, but an ice pack might temporarily work in your situation. And if not it could still be worth it, simply to see Nelli's expression!


Anonymous said...

oh i love it!

miss you guys
