Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A new personal record!

The Wife and I went bowling with a few friends this past weekend.  The first game was my typical train wreck--a handful of splits, the occasional gutter ball and a score not far above 100.  Then the pins reset and game two happened:

I can't decide if 193 is just close enough to 200 that it warrants going more often in hopes of breaking the barrier, or if I should retire satisfied that I accomplished more than I deserve on the lanes considering my lack of commitment to the sport.


Unknown said...

You are pickles? A 193 is a hell of a score. With a name like that and SCORE like that I wonder if any other fellow bowlers uttered the phrase "Fuckin' pickles, that creep can roll man" or perhaps "Pickles... treats object like women, man."

Austin said...

I am the walrus.

Jason said...

Shut the F#%$ up, Donny!

I dare say that this is at least 50 points higher than I have ever scored in bowling.

Also - No dice on the VT-OR wager...they (Locals) don't call 'em the "Chokies" without good reason.

Ashley said...

Do I see Beezer with a 52?

Austin said...

In Nelli's defense, I think she was caught off guard by my string of strikes and never quite got back on track. Her first game was much better.