Sunday, July 18, 2010


Dad got into town on Friday.  I had hoped that the rivers would be full of pinks and chum by now, but things seems to be running a bit late this year.  We've been flogging the water, but its been dollies, rainbow and grayling thus far.  Not quite the easy pickings I had in mind, but it'll do.  Karta doesn't seem to mind the late runs:

Evan went out with us yesterday and, while he out-fished the rest of us, my camera didn't seem to keep up so this was the only shot I got of him in action:
Then the weather turned:


Anonymous said...

Nice stick, nice grayling...but what's with the white stuff? It's JULY!!!
OR Mom

Austin said...

The mountains around Anchorage registered over 800" of snow this past winter and you can still find snow hiding near sea level in some places. I almost chose this year to go for my goal of skiing every month of the year.

Nelli said...

Looks like a great couple of excursions...glad karta is keeping you guys busy:) Love, The Wife

Anonymous said...

Rain or shine, you always find the most beautiful spots to fish Austin...and always find great people to fish with. Good to see Jack in the photos!
WI Mom

Sam said...

great pics. It was great to meet your dad last night. Hope you guys had a good day today. Looking forward to a report and getting out with ya this weekend.

Anonymous said...

While you all may have not found any lunkers, i must admit i really love grayling and dollies. And having a backdrop like that to entertain you between fish is truly something to admire. Well glad to see you guys are getting out and finding something to pull on the other end.
