Monday, August 30, 2010

They had it coming

The Pebble Partnership, proponents of what might be the most obscene mine around, is about as slimy a corporation as it gets.  In their never-ending quest to down play the fact that the Pebble Mine would completely destroy one of the most productive fisheries in the state, they've been sponsoring every public event in Alaska, including the state fair (click to enlarge, and pay special attention to the eye):


Anonymous said...

Two things really scare me here. First, that entities like the Pebble Partnership are legally able to fly propaganda like this suggesting that this mine would have little or no effect on the ecosystems. Seems like you could prosecute them right there for false advertising…

And second, it is really discouraging that so much of our population is easily duped by these ad campaigns, either because they are uneducated on the subject matter or worse, because they are educated and still think it is in their best interest to have the proposed monstrosity built as opposed to the benefits from all the ecological functions that are provided by those areas.

As far as I can tell people don’t care what happens as long as it is not in there back yard and/or a quick buck can be made…

Well Nelli, good luck, that is one hard fight ahead of you.


Anonymous said...

I love the subversion of such nasty propaganda! Unfortunately, Josh's observations seem all too true...folks seem to be way too easy to dup. Despite my more extensive years of observation I remain hopeful that for most folks its not greed, but obliviousness that leads them astray... Greed is all but impossible to overcome. Ignorance is correctable - albeit with great difficulty - if you can find a useful lever.

OR Mom

Austin said...

Pebble has sponsored the fair, our local soccer fields, the awards banquet at the recent Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies conference, and countless other events that I can't recall at the moment. Their propaganda definitely gets old. Fortunately, there's a strong contingent of folks who see through their bull, as evidenced by the no pebble sticker on their billboard. Unfortunately, our state agencies seem incapable of independent critical analysis. . .