Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hair Extensions? And they're paying how much?

Back when I was in high school and had just started tying flies, I could never afford the highest quality materials.  Struggling to make marginal feathers work, my dry flies inevitably sank and my wet flies too often rode on the surface.  To cap it all off, by the time I finally got my hands on a nice high-end grizzly neck, my sixteen-year-old self left it out where the family dog turned it into a nice morsel.  I still have the sad ziploc bag full of half-chewed feathers.  

And now, as if fly fishing and tying wasn't expensive enough, there's a fashion-fueled run on saddle hackle jacking prices up even higher

Most fly tiers know this trend has been slowly growing for a while.  However, fueled by a recent post on The Rusty Spinner highlighting just how exorbitant prices have become, I have joined the fray and listed all my old unused saddle hackles on eBay.  I bought the whole lot for just over $60 back in the day and will update things as the auctions progress.  If things go according to plan, I'll sell these items now for a tidy profit while the prices are high and repurchase new capes in a few years after the fad plays out.
Since I've had these for years on end without using a single feather, I obviously wasn't needing them anyway.  After all, every Alaska fly is big and wildly colored, right?  I just wish I had a few full grizzly saddles laying around . . .

* * *

And a quick update: Just hours into the auction two of the capes have bidders and will put at least $250 in my pocket.  Ridiculous.

Update #2: Well, the auctions have run their course and I have $593.00 in my pocket to show for it.  The cream full saddle and grizzly 1/4 saddle were the big winners, with the other two 1/4 saddles also doing well.
For the curious, this would have been a 16% annual rate of return on my investment over the roughly 15 years I owned the saddles.  Of course, the true test will come when I have to purchase replacements...


BKill said...

Good luck man. I sold six saddles ... probably paid less than $100.00 for the lot ... and brought in over $1500.00.

Austin said...

BKill - I won't be getting that much, but if I haven't used the saddles for who knows how many years, I shouldn't miss them too much. I'm also counting on feather hair extensions being a fad I can ride out until prices turn back to normal.

Sam said...

What is the price up to now?
By the way, I dig the new look of the blog!

Austin said...

Sam - Thanks! The price hasn't moved much, but more people "watch" them each day...

Anonymous said...

Yea, absolutely ridiculous. Although i did just look through my hackles and found four full saddles and one half. I think i might have to look into following suit...

Again, ridiculous...

By the way, i like the new layout of the blog.
